Blog awards

Award listings

Easter Awards ‘Eggstravaganza’ (April 2014)
Peace and Justice Award, Versatile Blogger Award, Brave Heart Award, Liebster Award, and I am Part of the WordPress Family Award.

Sunshine Award (April 2014)
Why I’m a thistle, and nine other random facts about me.

Quintet of Radiance (April 2014)
In-keeping with the award rules, I have to write a word about myself for every letter of the English alphabet.

most-influential-blogger Versatile Blogger Award Inner Peace Award ABC Award Sunshine Award


Versatile Blogger Award
















Versatile Blogger (March 2014)
One of the best things about this wonderful Word Press community is how much encouragement we offer one another.






Cut-Throat Club

Cut-Throat Club (March 2014)
I’m honoured to become the seventh member of the Cut-Throat Club, a place for the survivor in us all.






Liebster Award This Award says ‘Keep fighting!’ (March 2014)
I received my first Liebster as a blogging newbie. I’ve now received my second, and  I’ve learned so much about this wonderful, supportive Word Press community.




notfreshlypressedI’m NOT Featured On Freshly Pressed Award (February 2014)
I’m NOT Freshly Pressed – but I believe we all should be. Every voice matters in the fight-back against domestic violence.




shaunyawardShauny Award for Blogging Excellence (February 2014)
Like so many of us in the blogosphere, I’ve sweated blood and tears trying to make my blog the best it can be. So, it’s a major confidence boost to receive the Shauny Award for Blogging Excellence.




sunshine-award-2Sunshine Award (February 2014)
Being a naturally sunny soul, I was delighted to be nominated for the Sunshine Award. Includes ten facts about me that you probably don’t want to know, but I’ll tell you anyway.




narcissist-slayer-award1Narcissist Slayer Award (December 2013)
I was thrilled to be nominated for the Narcissist Slayer Award. Includes my first post about the His Royal Highness, the Über Narcissist.




______________ liebster-award

Liebster Award (October 2013) ~ below
Hey, exciting news! nominated me for a Liebster Award, which helps to generate awareness about up and coming blogs. You should check out her blog, too! I answer the ten questions that she asked me, and then I ask ten questions to ten people who I will tag (no tag backs) at the bottom of this post. Make sure to check out all of their blogs!

Okay, here goes with the questions:

1) If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do with your life? I’d travel a lot more than I do now, and volunteer more for charity. I would spend more time on this blog, and get around to finishing my novel.

2) If you could meet any person in the world, dead or alive, who would it be? Tough one. Possibly, Catherine of Aragon – the first wife of Henry VIII. I’d like to applaud her on maintaining her strength in the face of his emotional cruelty, and congratulate her on being rid of the abusive b***er. Plus, she may let me try on one of her gowns!

3) What would you do differently if you could turn back time? Nothing: everything happens for a reason. I’d like to give the younger me a big-reassuring hug – and tell her, despite the heartache, you will have a beautiful child that makes your life worth living.

4) Of all the books you have ever read, which one stands out the most? Why? I’m a total bookworm, so I could wax lyrical here about all the beautiful books that I’ve read (and hoarded). Instead, I’ll tell you about just one. Brontë’s Wuthering Heights was my favorite book from an early age, and I was totally in love with the passionate, crazy-in-love Heathcliff. I don’t know whether there was already something in me to be drawn to this tale of abusive, destructive love, or whether this novel helped direct my future choice of partners. But now, having survived two abusive love-affairs – both with wild, passionate, Heathcliff-types – I have a totally different perspective on this book, which is pretty-much summed up in this quote:

“Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living. You said I killed you–haunt me then. The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe–I know that ghosts have wandered the earth. Be with me always–take any form–drive me mad. Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!”

5) If your house was on fire and you could only grab one thing (assuming that all family members and pets make it out safely on their own), what would it be? My laptop. It holds all of my family photos. And, if I have time before the flames take hold – my jewelry. Everything else could be replaced.

6) What is your weirdest habit? I like to count in even numbers. I have no idea why.

7) Do you have any guilty pleasures? If so, what are they? Where do I start? Trashy historical fiction, television documentaries, and dunking biscuits in my coffee are three that I’ll admit to.

8) If you could have someone erase all of your negative memories, would you want them to? Having spent years in abusive relationships, my first reaction is yes! It would be wonderful to wipe out those painful times (which I wholeheartedly wish I’d never had to go through in the first place). But, my considered answer is a resounding ‘no’. Our experiences make us what we are, and the memories of those experiences help us learn. Without my negative memories, I wouldn’t have started my blog. And, if my blog helps just one other person to escape an abusive relationship, and get stronger than ever before – it is worth it!

9) What is one lifestyle change that you really want to make but are struggling with? I’m (still) trying to stop smoking cigarettes.

10) If you could be an animal, what animal would you be? A king penguin. Not only are they smart dressers, they mate for life and are excellent parents. Males and females share chores like hunting and egg-rearing. They are also great at making people laugh.

Now, that’s enough about me! Here are my questions:

  1.  If you could trade places with anyone (dead or alive) for a day, who would you choose and why?
  2. If you could send a Tweet to your 16-year old self, what would it be?
  3. What three words would your best friend use to describe you?
  4. Which movie character do you most strongly relate to?
  5. Describe your perfect day, in two sentences.
  6. If you had three wishes, what would they be?
  7. What (or who) makes your life worth living?
  8. Where is your favourite place in the world, and why?
  9. If you could time-travel, would you rather visit the past, or the future?
  10. What’s your go-to pick me up when you’re having a bad day?

These are the interesting blogs that I am inviting to answer these questions. You should check them out! Neiha Thinks This (personal blog from college student) Dragonfly Woman (help and support for women who have experienced domestic abuse) When Madness Meets Poetry (beautiful poetry) The Squeaky Robot  (a meddling robot in the human world) Simply Solo (a single girl starting over) Twinfamy (stay-at-home dad’s blog) I am the Milk (a funny mother’s blog) Listful Thinking (fun with bullet points) © Avalanche of the Soul, 2013-14

3 responses to “Blog awards

  1. Pingback: I’ve been nominated for an award, Thankyou. | Dragonfly Woman·

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