Early warning signs

Red flags that can identify a domestic abuse perpetrator, early in the relationship.

Thinking woman

Photo by Kr. B.

6 top signs he is a love-bomber
You’ve met a seemingly-perfect guy. He is attentive, enjoys spending time with you, shares your interests. He’s even said he loves you. So why do you feel something’s ‘off’ with  your whirlwind romance? Here’s SIX TOP SIGNS that you may be an abusive love-bomber’s latest target.

What abusers say: 15 early warning signs
Do you feel there’s something ‘not quite right’ about your new romance? Can’t put your finger on why? If so, you may have a budding abuser on your hands – and listening to what they say could prevent you from becoming their latest project. Here’s 15 early warning signs that are dangerous to ignore.



© Avalanche of the Soul, 2013-14


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