Sunshine Award and why I’m a thistle

Sunshine Award and full disclosure on my prickly but mushy characteristics in ten random facts about me 😉

Much gratitude to the incredibly positive and proactive Persia Karema for nominating me for my second Sunshine Award. On her engaging blog, Persia describes how she overcame domestic violence. She is truly an inspiring sister-survivor.

Sunshine AwardTen facts about me:

  1. I still believe in love.
  2. I like conversations to mean something.
  3. If I were a plant, I’d probably be a thistle. Prickly on the outside and soft on the inside.
  4. I think about things, a lot.
  5. My favourite colour is green.
  6. I used to write poetry, but I don’t anymore.
  7. Injustice and bigotry makes me angry.
  8. I am not afraid of difficult things.
  9. Before I fell in love with an abusive man, I thought domestic violence couldn’t happen to me.
  10. I don’t hate anyone, not even the two abusers that almost took everything from me.

My nominees

For this award, I’m nominating the following blogs, which focus on healing and overcoming traumas including domestic abuse:

Inconsistently Yours

Looking for the Light

Many Small Voices

My World From Scratch


The Ability to Love

Turkeybone Heaven

> Rules for accepting the Sunshine Award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
2. List 10 facts about you.
3. Nominate other blogs for this award.
4. Announce the nominations to the nominees.

ALSO SEE: Other blog awards for Avalanche in Blog Awards.

© Avalanche of the Soul, 2013-14


13 responses to “Sunshine Award and why I’m a thistle

  1. Congratulations, you deserve it–big time. ♥ I think being a thistle could really come in handy –(Especially prickly on the outside Lol!)


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